For Youth Development: Nurturing the potential of every child and teen.
For Healthy Living: Improving the nation’s health and well-being.
For Social Responsibility: Giving back and providing support to our neighbors.
Join a community that helps transform lives!
To foster strong individuals, families, and communities with Christian values by providing quality programs that strengthen Spirit, Mind and Body for all.
The Value Statement of the Young Men’s Christian Association of Franklin and Grove City is to serve our community members by:
- Preserving our guiding Christian principles upon which the YMCA was founded, by actively promoting the core values of respect, responsibility, honesty, and caring;
- Developing and improving spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellness;
- Rendering services to the community, in cooperation with individuals and other organizations, which strengthen the economic, social and moral environment;
- Providing quality athletic, educational, and recreational programming by a caring and qualified staff in an open and all-inclusive setting;
- Providing access to these services for each member of the community who wishes to participate regardless of the individual’s race, color, national origin, religion, creed, gender, age, special needs, limited English proficiency, or ability to pay.
Founded in 1988, the FRANKLIN-GROVE CITY YMCA’s mission is to foster strong individuals, families and communities with Christian principles by providing quality programs that strengthen Spirit, Mind and Body for all. The Franklin branch has been chartered since 1891 and has been a strong foundation in a tight knit community. The Grove City branch started its mission work in the Grove City Armory focusing primarily on the community’s youth; it was not long before we realized our full outreach and potential impact to be able to serve other populations
Today, the FRANKLIN-GROVE CITY YMCA employs 175 professionals and support staff who provide services to more than 21,000 children and adults annually. While the majority of those served reside in Mercer and Venango Counties, the YMCA’s service area includes parts of Butler, Lawrence and Crawford counties as well.
Together, the nation’s 2,617 YMCAs are the largest not-for-profit community service organization in America, working to meet the health and human service needs of 20.2 million men, women and children in 10,000 communities in the United States. YMCAs are at the heart of community life across the country: 42 million families and 72 million households are located within three miles of a YMCA.
YMCA stands for Young Men’s Christian Association, but don’t misinterpret this to mean that YMCAs are only for “young, Christian men.” From its start more than 150 years ago, when George Williams founded the YMCA as a substitute Bible study and prayer for life on the streets, the YMCA was unusual because it crossed the rigid lines that separated all the different churches and social classes in England in those days. This openness was a trait that would lead YMCAs to recognize their strength is in the people they bring together — Ys are for all people of all faiths, races, ages, abilities and incomes. YMCAs’ financial assistance policies ensure that no one is turned away for reasons of inability to pay.
Adam Cook, Chief Executive Officer, Organizational Leader
Erin Leccia, Finance Director
Amy Brown, Franklin YMCA Branch Director
John Garzarelli, Valley YMCA Branch Director
Wendy Hazlett, Early Education Center Director
Amy Brown, Branch Director, Child Care Director
[email protected]
Rachel Bish, Health & Wellness Director
[email protected]
Corbin Henry, Youth and Family Services Director
[email protected]
Marcy Shoenfelt, Membership Director
[email protected]
Joanie Anderson, Grove City Health & Wellness Director
[email protected]
Karen Bishop, Youth and Family Services & Membership Director
[email protected]
Wendy Hazlett, Grove City Child Care Director
[email protected]
Logan Newhard, Sports Director
[email protected]
Karen Wendelschaefer, Grove City Aquatic Director/Swim Coach
[email protected]